3 things I wished I had known before I became a massage therapist

3 things I wished I had known before I became a massage therapist

Feb 13, 2024

Massage schools teach us a lot. Unfortunately, most don't teach us everything we need to know to become excellent self-employed massage therapists.

Here are 3 things I wish I hadn't figured out the hard way.

1.You may not be your ideal client.

I was apparently going to run a philanthropic business. Or non-profit.
My goal was to give incredible massage to well deserving parents who couldn't afford to pay much for massage.

In other words, I was marketing towards serving people like my husband and me. We had 8 kids, not much money but loved massage.

Yes, it's a noble idea, but not necessarily a good business plan.

Instead, I created my ideal "avatar"-one who's got enough disposable income and prefers to keep healthy via massage and a holistic lifestyle over traditional medicine.

2.Barefoot massage saved my career.

I loved, loved, LOVED giving massage. 3.5 years in, and I was about to become a statistic.

Tendonitis in my right elbow. Pain in my left pisiform.

You know the drill-working too hard on the wrong clients. Working to my detriment and to their benefit.

Now, I'm not saying you should do barefoot massage. But you need to work smart, and in a way that doesn't hurt your body.

Because you only have one.

And I know a massage therapist who damaged her tendons in her hands so violently that she can no longer hold a coffee cup. Or do massage, obviously.

3.Memberships keep clients returning to you consistently.

It took me a LONG time to figure this one out.

After 1 year of having created my in-person massage membership, I had made an additional $20, 000 over the previous year.

And my numbers have gone up since then.

In fact, I still have monthly massage membership clients who originally joined my offer back in January of 2019. They stuck with me during the pandemic.

It was literally the only money I made when the government shut us down.

Do you have questions about creating a massage membership? I have a FREE webinar you can grab that will probably answer them!