5 Things I Would Never Do as a Massage Therapist

5 Things I Would Never Do as a Massage Therapist

Mar 26, 2024

After over 27 years in thee massage industry, here are five things that I have seen and I would never do.

1. Get a massage while hungover. 🍻A massage it’s definitely not a cure for having imbibed too much the night before.

In fact, the massage therapist will be able to smell the alcohol losing out of your pores.

Just stay home, rest, and hydrate.

2. I would never get a massage if I were feeling under the weather. Why would you expose your therapist, their family, and their space to your cooties? Plus, you’ll feel like trash when you are done with your massage.

3. Don’t lie about your contraindications because you think your massage therapist will not work on you.

I have had somebody was asked your process asked me to put pressure on her sacrum. No. I could actually break her pelvic girdle.

Don’t pretend you don’t have a thrombosis. Your massage therapist would be pretty unhappy if you died from a blood clot having been released.

Just because you have some contraindications does not mean you cannot get a massage – it simply means that your therapist needs to be aware and make conscious decisions about what is appropriate for you.

And may need to refer you to somebody else who specializes in whatever you have.

4. Do not take muscle relaxers or prescription painkillers before you get a massage.

I had a friend who worked on a guy who, unbeknownst to my friend, had been taking Vicodin.

My friend kept giving more and more pressure as was requested. And then a rib broke.

My friend got fired from his job. Both of them made poor decisions that day.

5. And finally, for the love of all things holy, do not sit your naked butt on someone’s upholstered furniture. If you really need to sit down to put on your socks or start pulling up your undies, sit on the massage sheets. At least they can wash those.

I literally threw away a settee when I found evidence of somebody having sat on it naked.

What else would you add???

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