Can this week get more insane???

Can this week get more insane???

Jul 19, 2024

No matter what beliefs you may hold politically, I think you'll agree that this past week has been OFF THE CHAIN.

An assassination attempt.
The US president has covid.

While the former is certainly shocking and the latter is sad, I think we can all confirm that the global outages today rocked a lot of people's world.

5 reasons why you may want to address this as a massage therapist

1.Empathy and connection.

A little understanding goes a long way.

You're creating a shared experience. In uncertainty, this will foster a safe space for your clients. When people feel safe, they'll trust you as their therapist more.

2.Relevance and Timeliness:

Prove you're tuned in to what's affecting their lives.

Demonstrating awareness of current events shows that you're not JUST focused on the physical aspects of massage. You also care about your clients' overall well-being.

And this will set you apart as a caring and attentive massage therapist.

3.Stress relief

In tumultuous and uncertain times, your clients need you more than usual. Your massage skills and emotional intelligence provides relief from both physical and emotional pain.

4.Transparency and honesty

Addressing difficult subjects helps your clients know that you're there for them, fostering a more solid connection.

5.Proactive communication.

Your initiative shows your massage clients that you authentically care about them. When you reach out, you're demostrating care and professionalism. Again, this will build your clients' know, like and trust factor with you.

Ok, you're sold on communicating. Now what?

If you feel compelled and comfortable (without any political one-sidedness), reach out to your clients.

If you want to start from scratch, by all means do! If you want some help, read the letter I sent to my massage clients.

Feel free to copy and paste or edit as needed.

Don't forget to always add in a "schedule" button or link in all your emails!

(You're not being too salesy. It saves them the trouble of having to look for your website.)

Here ya go! ↯

Hi, (client's name)

Today's global IT outage brought our dependence on technology into sharp focus. From grounded flights to offline banks, the ripple effects touched many of us.

I found myself grateful for the cash in my wallet when Circle K couldn't process card payments – a frustration that many shared today.

This digital disruption, coupled with recent political turbulence, serves as a stark reminder of how quickly our routines can be upended. It's no wonder many of us are feeling a bit off-kilter, tense, and anxious.

In these uncertain times, massage therapy can be your anchor.

While we can't control global events, we can certainly take charge of our personal well-being.

A massage session offers more than just physical relief – it's a sanctuary where you can disconnect from the digital noise and reconnect with yourself.

Whether you're carrying tension from recent events or simply need to unwind, I'm here to help you find balance and relief.

Be well,
