Collaborate with other massage therapists

Collaborate with other massage therapists

Mar 12, 2024


Don't compete.

Do you feel like you're competing with your next door neighbor as well as all of the big chains?

I feel ya!

Years ago, I taught not 1, but 2 massage therapists how to do barefoot massage. That's not unusual.

They worked 1/2 mile from me at a chiropractor's office.

He charged less than I did, plus they did insurance billing. Which I did not.

I was a little nervous at first. But then I realized,
they're not actually competition. Their ideal clients were not mine. I had more experience and a different style of barefoot massage than they were learning.

What if there were more ways for me to support them?

What if collaboration is the key to your success and your happiness?

If you shift your mindset, ditch the competition, you can grow abundantly in your business.

Everybody's not for everyone, even if you do "the same type of massage". We all have our skills and our place in the world.

p.s. They didn't stay there long because it wasn't a good fit. I never did lose any clients to them, and my massage therapy practice still thrives.