Don't tell my husband...

Don't tell my husband...

Aug 01, 2024

It turns out that he's right. (Whoda thunk.)

I press computer buttons entirely too fast.

In a moment of excitement (or maybe just too much caffeine), I accidentally sent out the announcement for my newest massage membership launch two days early.

Realizing my mistake on the way home from the office, I pulled over (cause we don't use our phones when we drive)
to hit the “STOP SENDING” button—

only to discover that I didn’t know my email service provider login on my phone!

Screeching to a halt 20 minutes later. I flung open my computer, ready to undo my accidental launch.
An eager client had already signed up.

🔥Here’s the lesson:

life has a funny way of reminding us to double-check our plans. In our world of massage therapy, timing is everything—whether it’s scheduling clients or launching new modalities, packages, products, or memberships.

So let’s take a moment to appreciate the value of a good calendar (and maybe a little less caffeine)!

And in life, as well as massage, sometimes it's better to just slow down.
🤪 #humblepie


P.S Wanna see my membership sales page? [Email me] and I'll send you the link.