How can boundaries and polices help your massage or wellness practice?

How can boundaries and polices help your massage or wellness practice?

May 21, 2024

After a quarter century (!) of working as a licensed massage therapist, I have noticed one trend that remains constant.

Well, at least consistent on FB groups and from my own conversation with the gazillion massage therapists I've taught and have come into contact with.

Boundaries are hard.

Policy making gives you the willies.

You'd rather lose money than make a client mad by enforcing your policies and enforcing boundaries (the non-physical abusive kind not withstanding).

What kind of boundaries do we need in our massage business? Or even hair salon, wellness practice, etc.

Physical boundaries

-What hours are you willing to work, without negotiation?
-Is it ok to hug clients?
-How do you feel about them touching you?

The good news is that you probably know what you feel comfortable with as far as draping goes!

Emotional boundaries

-Sometimes it's hard to avoid the drama.
-What do you do when a client asks you for advice when you're not trained in therapy?

Professional Boundaries

-Clear communication about your ethical standards may feel awkward.
-Creating and upholding policies-yikes!

Social Boundaries:

-Keeping professional and personal lives separate can be rough in a small community where everyone knows everyone.

-Your presence on social media may make or break you.

If you prefer, you can make up rules and enforce them (or not) all willy nilly and see how far that gets you in your business.

Clients will take advantage of you. Been there, done that? Not interested in rinse and repeat?

Let me help you create and enforce your boundaries and policies. Your massage or wellness business will thrive as a result.

I'm putting the finishing touches on my mini course about creating and enforcing boundaries and policies for massage therapists and wellness pros.

Send me an email if you want me to put you on the waitlist (mini course, mini price).

I'll add a link in here for you to find later once it's live and ready.

You can rock your massage practice. It's not random. It's strategy.

Hugs, Mary-Claire

Mary-Claire Fredette, massage therapist business coach