How massage therapy helps with mental health (part 2)

How massage therapy helps with mental health (part 2)

May 13, 2024

Did you catch part 1 of my massage blog about mental health & the touch connection?

I talked about the dreadful stats of mental health and touched briefly on how massage can help.

Let's dive in a little deeper.

I think we can agree that many of our massage clients are highly stressed.

Even ignoring mental decline due to the dastardly 2020 pandemic,
❌ economy's bad
❌ gas prices are high
❌ it's an election year
❌ housing costs are through the roof

How about a mood boost?

Well, let's explore how massages can be your client's ticket to chillville and overall well-being.

Why Massage Therapy can be a Game-Changer:

In today's fast-paced world, where stress seems to lurk around every corner, taking care of our mental well-being is more crucial than ever.

Traditional approaches like therapy and medication play a vital role, of course. And we can't ignore this.

But another avenue for finding harmony and peace lies in the comfortable environment of massage therapist's room.

Massage therapy is not just a luxury for many.

Picture this: soft music playing in the background, the gentle scent of essential oils wafting through the air, and skilled hands (or in my case, feet!) working their magic on tired muscles.

This quiet scenario is a potent tool for nurturing your client's mental health.

"Cortisol decreases and serotonin and dopamine increase following massage therapy"

Ooh, I love this study.

Massage therapy has been shown to lower levels of cortisol, the infamous stress hormone, while simultaneously boosting serotonin, our feel-good neurotransmitter.

This powerful combination not only helps us unwind physically but also brings a sense of calm and relaxation to our minds.

Anxiety Relief: Finding Center Through Touch

The power of touch is undeniable when it comes to easing anxiety.

The focused attention and soothing movements of a massage therapist can help quiet racing thoughts and anchor us in the present moment.

Have you noticed that many clients chat a lot when they first come into your office but eventually stop talking?

Massage therapy is a welcome respite from the constant chatter of our minds.

Sleep Like a Baby: From Restless to Restorative

I don't know about you, but I struggle with focus and feeling well on days when I haven't slept.

Massage therapy can be your client's ticket to dreamland. By relaxing tense muscles and quieting the mind, it sets the stage for deep and restorative sleep, essential for overall mental well-being. Say goodbye to tossing and turning, and hello to rejuvenating slumber.

Here's a 1998 study explaining some of the benefits of massage therapy.

It includes

✔️ pain reduction,

✔️ improved mood

✔️ enhanced immune function

Pain Management: Easing the Body, Soothing the Mind

Chronic pain is not just a physical burden; it can take a toll on our mental health as well. Through targeted techniques like deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy, massage therapists can address pain points, alleviating discomfort and reducing its negative impact on our mood.

This 2023 study concludes that self-massage and/or massage therapist-provided session can be a helpful strategy, to improve pain levels, sleep quality, and overall well-being.

The Mind-Body Connection: A Journey to Self-Awareness

Perhaps one of the most profound benefits of massage therapy is its ability to deepen our connection to our bodies.

While I can't find any studies specifically on this, I did discover the 2023 medRxiv study, which investigates the impact of massage on body awareness. It found that a single session of massage therapy, along with exercise, led to a significant increase in body awareness compared to a control group.


By fostering awareness and mindfulness, it guides us on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace. It's not just about relaxation; it's about tapping into our inner resources for resilience and well-being.

As you begin or continue your massage therapy journey, remember that it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.

Massage therapy and bodywork are, more than likely, a valuable complement to traditional mental health care.

💡 Reminder: massage therapy and bodywork are a fantastic add-on for mental health. They're not a substitute for professional mental health care.

Play it safe and refer clients out when needed.

🔥 TIP:

Share this blog post in an email to your clients.

It's a good reminder that they come to you for more than just that feel-good afterglow.