How niching sets you apart in massage therapy

How niching sets you apart in massage therapy

Apr 12, 2024

I have a massage therapist friend, now retired, who was an exquisite massage therapist. And an esthetician too. Plus, she had a melodic singsong accent.

Because she'd been in business for many years, she had taken many continuing ed classes, evolving over the years to incorporate a LOT of styles of massage in her practice.

I'm sure it kept her interested throughout the day and prevented burnout.

Here's the problem:

She had so many massage services on her menu that I literally couldn't choose one.

I bet I went on her site 3 or 4x before I finally asked her: "If YOU had a 2-hour gift certificate to your own business, what would you choose?"

Now enlightened as to her favorite service, I scheduled that. And loved it, of course.

Here's the problem...

  1. If potential clients can't choose a service within a few moments of landing on your website, they'll probably leave. They'll find someone who has a simpler menu.
  2. You're not "known" for anything. How will clients know that you're the best person for them if you massage in everything from craniosacral to cupping to neuromuscular to acupressure chair to barefoot massage to...?

Become known for your best massage skill.

For me, it's barefoot massage. It can be anything you love.

If you can't decide, ask yourself, "What problem do I solve for my massage clients?"

That's your niche.

Become known for the primary service you offer. I have massage therapists who refer their clients to me when they simply can't get deep enough without hurting themselves.

While other massage therapists in Cincinnati offer barefoot massage (I taught most of them!), I'm the only one (as far as I know) who has barefoot massage with no hands-on option in town.

Can I add in cupping or craniosacral or stretching into my barefoot massage session? Of course! I don't want to be doing the same thing over and over again.
But those options are free add ons to my barefoot massage, which I use as needed.

When you become known for the problem you solve for clients or the method you use, potential clients know they've found the right massage therapist for them.

Oh-here's a FREE guide to creating a niche for your massage practice.

Mary-Claire Fredette, massage business coach and mentor