How to combat imposter syndrome as a massage therapist

How to combat imposter syndrome as a massage therapist

May 03, 2024

It's easy to forget your skills as a massage therapist when you're struggling with business.

Are you thinking something along the lines of...

🥹 Surely, clients aren't coming because I just plain suck.

🧐 I'm a terrible therapist.

😫 Omygosh-how is my office so lame?

😳 Clients aren't rescheduling because they don't even like me.

🤬 Why did I even become a massage therapist?

🫤 There's no hope.

😭 I'm gonna just go back to my "real" job I had before I went to massage school.

Hold onto your horses there, Nelly.

More than likely, if you're not succeeding as a massage therapist, it probably has more to do with strategy than lack of talent and charisma.

Why don't massage clients come back?

They lose track of time, can't afford it, move, their schedule clashes with yours.

Are you a terrible therapist?

Reread some of your reviews and testimonials. Reflect on what your massage clients said to you last week after you worked on them.

Is your massage office actually lame, or is it cozy and sweet?

Take a picture or video of your studio and look at it with fresh eyes. Maybe you simply need to hide your mail and the devices you torture yourself in your free time.

If your walls have a few bumps and dings, patch and paint.

Do your massage clients actually like you?

Probably. Remember that you're not for everyone. If the random client just doesn't mesh with your personality, no biggie.

If it's all your clients (which I doubt!) seek therapy to see how you can improve.

You became a massage therapist to help other people.

Is there any other good reason? (Don't say "money. If you did, refer to this blog post.

There's no hope for what, exactly?

Most massage therapists have slumps in their schedule. If your calendar is empty, please remember that every ideal client in your community doesn't magically know you exist.

Reach out to your clients and ask them to reschedule. And refer. Consider community outreach like a farmers' market where you can have a booth. Or a Crossfit box.

Do you REALLY want to go back to your old job?

This is the one that kicked me in the pants for a few years. My husband, rolling his eyes at the "I'm just going to go back to being a restaurant manager with PAID VACATIONS and sick days and insurance!" would respond

"Oh, ok. Back to 50 hour work weeks, every weekend, late nights? No freedom of schedule. Sounds like a plan."

And I would calm down at the ridulous notion I had vehemently presented the moment before.

Have you calmed down yet?

Ok. Good.

Now, what's the best way to realize you're not an imposter, a loser of a massage therapist?

Go get a massage from someone equally qualified or even better than you.

Take note of how you feel when you walk into their office, onto the massage table. How your breathing becomes deep and slower just by entering that tranquil room.

Savor the music, the quiet (or the conversation). Revel in how your mind and body feel after the massage.

You do the same for your clients, my friend.

You're not an imposter. You simply need strategy. I'm here to help.

ps. A monthly massage membership is a brilliant way to not only provide recurring income, but to have your clients actually remember to rebook. Learn more with my free webinar.