How to grow your massage business

How to grow your massage business

Aug 15, 2024

You know how amazing it feels to help our clients unwind and feel their best. You're an absolute wiz at massage.

But let’s be real—running a massage therapy business can come with its own set of headaches.

Let's talk about three big challenges we often face: finding new clients, getting them to book appointments, and keeping them coming back for more.

The good news: I’ve got some easy tips to help you tackle these issues!

1. Finding new clients (yes, please)

Let’s kick things off with the challenge of attracting new clients. It can feel like a tough game sometimes, but here are some strategies to get those leads rolling in:

Get social:

Use platforms like Instagram and Facebook to show off your skills!

First-find out where your ideal clients are hanging out. If your goal is to work with young athletes, FB and LinkedIn are NOT the places to be.

Post client testimonials, share behind-the-scenes shots of your practice, and drop some knowledge about the benefits of massage. Engaging content can help you reach more people and get them interested in booking a session.

Team Up Locally:

Connect with nearby businesses like gyms, yoga studios, or wellness centers. You could offer to swap services or create a referral program. This way, you can tap into their clientele and introduce them to your amazing massage services!

Collaborating with live videos or on a Insta reel is an excellent way to build your audience-fast.

Spruce Up Your Website:

Make sure your website is easy to navigate and looks great! Make sure you add in SEO (search engine optimization) by using phrases that your ideal client would use like "best deep tissue massage in Cincinnati".

State the benefits of your style of massage. Include all the info about your services, pricing, and how to book an appointment (an easy link is the best).

A blog and emailing your clients with helpful tips can also boost your visibility and attract new visitors.

2. Turning leads into appointments

So, you’ve got some interest—now let’s turn those leads into actual bookings!

⚠️ Proceed with caution → Intro Deals: Consider offering a special discount for first-time clients. A little incentive can go a long way in getting them through your door!

Problem-clients wanting a deal the 1st time often don't want to pay full price. They may wait for you to offer a sale or a discount before they reschedule.

Make booking a breeze:

Use an online booking system that lets clients schedule appointments whenever it works for them. The easier you make it, the more likely they are to book!

I use Bodywork Buddy. My clients love its ease.

Follow up fast:

No brainer but you've gotta check your email and text messages!

If someone reaches out to ask about your services, respond within a business day. A speedy reply shows you’re professional and can help seal the deal.

I'm not saying you need to get them in as soon as possible if you don't have the availability. Just return the call, text or email like 💨 Speedy Gonzalez.

3. Keeping clients coming back

Ok, you've got clients to book. Now they can become regulars (whether it's once a week, a month or even a quarter).

Build a connection: Take the time to get to know your clients. Remember their preferences and any issues they’re dealing with. You can send them thank you notes via text or email. Check in with them after their 1st appointment.

This personal touch makes them feel valued and more likely to return.

Loyalty program / massage membership: Consider rewarding loyal members.

Memberships: you could offer a discount for a monthly commitment, special perks or bonuses. Loyalty: buy x# and the #_____ at a discount (some do it free. Or they get a free upgrade.)

You do NOT need to compete price-wise with the big chain. In fact, you need to know your own thoughts and feelings about discounts, freebies and add-ons.

You should never feel resentment about your clients because you feel taken advantage of.

Wanna know if a massage membership is right for your business? Click here.

Ask for feedback: Don’t be shy about asking your clients for feedback! Constructive criticism, when taken graciously, helps improve your skills and more.

So there you have it!

By focusing on
✔️attracting new clients
✔️converting leads into appointments
✔️ and keeping those clients coming back for more

you can build a thriving massage therapy practice that you love.

Remember, it’s all about connection, results, and making your clients feel valued.

Keep experimenting with these tips, and don’t be afraid to let your unique personality shine through in everything you do.

Mary-Claire Fredette, massage business coach

Much love,