Massage therapist/client reunion
As a massage therapist for over 25 years, I don't get excited about a whole lot of things in regards to massage.
Yes, I still have an active massage therapy practice!
Yesterday, I just gave the best 2 hour massage to a client of mine that I haven't seen in three years. He had been a very regular client. Let's call him Kent.
I saw Kent every other week for probably 15 years. He remembers me giving him many massages when I was pregnant with our 18-year-old son! And the 14 year-old too.
Kent and I worked together every other week for about 15 years or so. A few tears may have dripped off my face 3 years ago when he moved to Florida (I'm in Cincinnati).
I just found out today that he had "interviewed" or he had massages from 30, THREE ZERO different massage therapists before he found me. And he stuck with me for 15 years.
Since he's moved to Florida, he's seen probably at least 15 different massage therapists, trying to find the right one who gives consistent pressure, deep, and can do it without hurting herself.
Then Kent explained to me what he liked about my massage. I do barefoot massage.
The strokes are long. The pressure is deep. I can maintain the pressure consistently for a long time. The results last about 2 weeks, which is far longer than any other massage therapist is able to give him.
We assume our massage clients like us or are getting good results when they come back. I don't know about you, but sometimes it's just so lovely when someone gives you a bear hug and tells you WHY they appreciate you and your massage skills.
And I don't know, I'm just kind of tickled about that today.
So yeah, that made my day. Gotta loved being loved, right?