Water you waiting for? Email your clients on a regular basis.
I love to write. You may not.
But sending regular non salesy emails is by far the best and least expensive way to connect with your clients.
Without bugging them, you'll send them an easy way to schedule a massage appointment after you've given them useful information.
Here's what I sent this week- free to copy and paste into your own email service provider.
DANG! It's hot out, (insert their name here)!!!
Staying hydrated is extra important right now. We need water for our very life.
Also, did you know that you're also more likely to be sore after a massage if you haven't drunk enough H2O?
More reasons why hydration matters:
Your body needs water to keep muscles loose. If you're dehydrated, you may notice dry skin and muscle cramping as the moisture will go to the "important" organs 1st.
Water helps your body function at its best. The human body can only survive about 3 days without water. Coffee, tea, and soda don't count. Sorry.
Signs you might be dehydrated:
😬 Feeling thirsty (it's one of the last signs, actually)
😬 Headache
😬 Sleepiness
😬 Hunger
😬 Cottonmouth
😬 Dark-colored pee
The Hydration Plan:
Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you're outside in this insane heat or sweating a lot.
Consume water before getting your massage. Sipping plenty prior to going outside, during your day, and after will keep you healthier.
Continue to hydrate after your massage to help your body function optimally.
By staying hydrated, you'll keep your body functioning optimally and feeling its best, especially during this week's scorcher.
Here I have a schedule button: "Water you waiting for? Schedule a massage!"
And the signoff:
Stay cool,
ps. My schedule is completely booked the next couple of weeks. Make sure you don't wait to schedule a massage (inserted scheduling link) or you may not get in as quickly as you'd hoped.