Why are your massage clients not coming back?

Why are your massage clients not coming back?

Feb 27, 2024

Massage therapists, do you know why your clients are not coming back?

I'm gonna tell you three reasons why.

Number one, you don't ask them to come back.

  1. You need to ask them to come back or they're going to forget. And they're going to forget because you don't remind them and you don't email them on a regular basis. Out of sight, out of mind.
  2. The second reason why your clients aren't coming back more often is because you're not explaining the benefits of their coming back to you. Because you're not explaining the benefits of why they need to come back and how the results will last longer if they come see you more often.
  3. And the third reason why is that you don't communicate with them and they forget to schedule an appointment. That's all there is to it.

These are three reasons how I get my clients to come back more often.

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Solution: you could start a membership. If they pay monthly, they're more likely to return over and over again!

Here's a free 15-minute brand-new webinar to discover if a massage membership is right for you.