Create short videos to grow your business

Create short videos to grow your business

Sep 04, 2023

Gone are the days of hoping and wishing your magical skills will present themselves to your ideal client. While referrals are one of the best ways to find long-term massage therapy clients, how do new clients find you?

Video. In particular, short-form video. Like 30-90 seconds. 15 seconds if you're tricky.

Massage therapists can take a lesson from Realtors, who've been personalizing their services for years by adding a photo on their business card.

In this age of "video is king" FREE marketing, here are some ideas to get started selling your services on social media.

Supplies needed, content ideas + tips

Supplies needed:

  1. Your phone. Wipe off the greasy fingerprints 1st.
  2. Optional but should use: small, inexpensive lavalier microphone (lav mic).
  3. A tripod. One with an inexpensive ring light to evenly light your face/body/room is better than using overhead lights.

10 content ideas:

  1. Quick Self-Massage Techniques: Show viewers how to tackle common aches and pains with easy self-massage routines for the neck, shoulders, or feet. (Here's one I did on TiketyTok).
  2. Myth Busters: Address common misconceptions about massage therapy, like it's just for relaxation, or it hurts. (Like how massage isn't the equivalent of 8 hours of sleep!)
  3. Focus on Benefits: Highlight specific benefits of massage, like improved sleep, reduced stress, or better athletic performance. You can add this into↓
  4. Client Testimonials: Feature short video testimonials from satisfied clients sharing their experiences or long-lasting results.
  5. A Day in the Life: Your clients often want to know what life is like outside work (if you're comfortable sharing that). Here's a silly one I did with trending audio.
  6. Post-Workout Relief or exercise techniqu: Demonstrate stretches or massage techniques to keep them moving in between massages, like this one.
  7. Seasonal Wellness Tips: Offer massage tips related to seasonal concerns, like back pain from shoveling or gardening.
  8. Behind the Scenes: Show the human side of your practice, like explaining why you love a technique or tool you use.
  9. Promote Specials & Packages: Announce any special offers or massage packages you have available. (Use sparingly-don't over-promote. You don't want to seem too salesy.)

Tips for retention:


According to Yahoo, captions on top of videos are important.

Yes, it helps with accessibility. But an increasing number of people are watching videos without sound, so prefer captions.


TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram do better with short form content (90 seconds or less), while YouTube users appreciate more in-depth "how to" content.

Sound and lighting:

The benefits of short-form videos are plentiful: they're easy to make, you can edit yourself, and no one is expecting high quality (but prefer good sound and lighting). Poor sound quality will doom your video in most cases, which is why you'll want that mic.

Today, we reviewed:

  1. Why to use short form video to grow your business
  2. Supplies needed to make videos
  3. Content ideas for massage therapists and wellness professionals
  4. Retention tips

In the next blog post, I'll review how to make videos, even if you're "not the best" at tech. Like me. I'm pretty bad at it. But I love making videos, and I think I can help you.