What's holding you back in your massage practice?

What's holding you back in your massage practice?

Oct 25, 2024

As massage therapists, we all dream of a thriving practice filled with loyal clients and steady income. But let's be honest – the path to success isn't always smooth.
I want you to take a moment and reflect on this question.

What's your biggest frustration in your practice that holds you back from the success you want?

🤔Is it:

• Inconsistent client bookings?
• Difficulty in retaining clients long-term?
• Struggles with pricing your services effectively?
• Challenges in marketing your unique skills?
• Burnout from overworking and underearning?

Identifying this core frustration is the first step towards overcoming it. It's like finding the knot in a muscle – once you locate it, you can start working on releasing it.

I encourage you to really sit with this question. Write down your answer. What one thing, if solved, would catapult your practice to the next level?

Here's the exciting part:

No matter what your frustration is, there are solutions.

Let's talk about the problem and what the possible solutions might be...

Inconsistent client bookings?

Ask yourself:
❓Are your skills up to snuff?
❓Are you listening to your clients?
❓Are you providing them with a plan (like, maybe you don't have time to work the legs so you can focus on the upper back-tell them)

They need to FEEL listened to.

❓Do you want to consider a rewards program?

❓ Have you offered a membership? (My course, Massage Memberships Made Easy, launches 11.18.24. You can start enjoying recurring income within a few weeks!)

• Difficulty in retaining clients long-term?

If you're in a transient city, like a military base or college town, your clients could just be moving. If not,

❓Are you asking your clients to rebook?
❓Have you focused on building relationships?
❓Do you follow up with clients after their first massage? Send birthday cards? Offer valuable content to help them in between sessions?

• Struggles with pricing your services effectively?

You've no doubt already done some interwebber sleuthing to see what other similar massage studios offer.

❓Have you calculated your costs (including time, supplies, & overhead)?
❓Do you know what you want your profit margin to be?

Easy math:

Money in

  • money out

= money leftover for you.

❓Can you offer value based pricing dependent on the results you offer?

(For instance, I would have paid anybody ANY amount to help me sleep through the night a few years ago. If a massage therapist had been the solution, I would have happily parted with oodles of money.)

• Challenges in marketing your unique skills?

In other words, what makes you YOU?

❓Have you developed a unique selling proposition (USP)? That means figuring out what sets you apart from similar businesses, or even the big chains.

It could be the results you offer, your specialty or niche (here's a FREE resource to help you determine this).

Maybe it's your special add-ons or treatment space. Here's a popular FREE PDF to help you bougie up your place.

Market yourself on social media demonstrating your skills, results, testimonials or useful how-to's. I created a series of "Help me!" videos for my clients when I was shut down for that c🦠vid thing.

• Burnout from overworking and underearning?

I'll be the 1st to tell you that I have BEEN THERE.
My 489 1.5 hour Groupon sales would be a good start, but that's a story for another day.

❓Have you implemented efficient scheduling practices? That means you've set boundaries and actually enforce them. You're not taking clients all willy nilly whenever it strikes their fancy.

I have a mini course coming out soon about this, the Boundary Blueprint for Massage Therapists. In the meantime, here's another FREE resource to help you with burnout.

❓ Have you raised your rates so you can earn more without increasing your hours? If you're scared, I do understand. I have a free guide to help you push past that fear.

❓ What about diversifying your income streams? Sell retail, couples or group workshops, rent out your space on the days you don't work, or even create online course.

❓Can you delegate non-essential chores like laundry, cleaning, etc.?

PHEW. That was a LOT.

Sit down and make a list, being totally honest about where you can improve. Got questions? You can always email me.

Plus, group coaching for Massage Momentum is in the works.

I can help you overcome these exact challenges and achieve the success you've always wanted.

I'll keep you updated!

"All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

-Walt Disney.